Dare to Connect: Make the First Move and See What Happens!

Meeting new people can feel like way more pressure than it should. You don’t know anything about them—name, personality, interests, or what role they might play in your life. It’s like diving into the unknown, and let’s face it, the unknown is scary. Most of us fall victim to this fear every day. Add to that the fear of rejection, and boom—human interaction goes straight into the danger zone.

Here’s the kicker, though: the same nerves you feel about "making the first move"? Guess what? The other person is probably feeling the exact same way. Yep, they’re just as freaked out about talking to you as you are about talking to them. So, instead of just going for it, you end up overthinking, talking yourself out of it, and—surprise!—never actually approaching them. So now you're stuck in this weird staring contest, which gets super awkward, like, super fast, and you end up killing the vibe before it even starts. 😭

We dare you to connect. Seriously. Right now. The next time that “I should talk to them” thought pops into your head—do it. We’re making this as easy as possible. Start with your name and a little something that made you want to say hey (it could be anything!). Then hit them with a simple "what/how" question:

  • “What brings you to this resort/cruise?”

  • “How’s the experience been at this event/resort/cruise?”

Boom. That’s it. You’ve done your part. The ball’s in their court now—either they’ll engage or they won’t. Either way, not the end of the world. What’s the worst that can happen? If they aren’t interested, no worries—you’re traveling! You’ll probably never see them again anyway. 😄

Here’s the secret sauce: approach every situation with confidence. Sounds easier said than done, right? But trust us, confidence is like a muscle—you’ve gotta work it to make it stronger. The best way to get better at it? Repetition. Keep putting yourself out there and watch that confidence grow.

And hey—don’t overstay your welcome. No one wants to feel like they’re stuck talking to a ball and chain. If you sense the convo is starting to fizzle out, it’s cool to wrap it up. Exchange some pleasantries, exit gracefully, and leave them wondering more about you. Let their curiosity kick in!

Add a little knowledge, experience, and social savvy to the mix, and boom—you’ll be a pro at making connections in no time.

Once you’ve made that solid connection, don’t be shy! Add them on the Tour Us app and start building your personal travel squad. Find people from all over the world who match your vibe. Who knows? Maybe you’ll run it back next time—bigger, better, and with more epic adventures.


Tour Us Travel: Where Connection Meets Adventure


Travel, Good Energy, and Adult Friendships: The Secret to Creating Lasting Bonds